인텍스 28003 cleaning swimming pools with vacuum cleaner Deluxe kit set of accessories

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인텍스 28003 cleaning swimming pools with vacuum cleaner Deluxe kit set of accessories

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Intex 28003 cleaning swimming pools with vacuum cleaner

인텍스 28003 cleaning swimming pools with vacuum cleaner Deluxe kit set of accessories

인텍스 28003 cleaning swimming pools with vacuum cleaner

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The ultimate in pool maintenance kits, the Intex Deluxe Pool Maintenance Kit is perfect for keeping Intex pools clean and freshfor swim time. This kit includes a 110in telescoping aluminum shaft for use with 18ft diameter pools and above. The kit alsoincludes a vacuum that sucks debris off the pool floor and through the filter (requires an Intex filter pump with a minimum flowrate of 800 gph (3,028 L/hr) and can attach to the outlet connector in the pool with a 24ft 7in hose. The telescoping aluminumshaft can be used with the following included attachments: vacuum head, durable and deep mesh skimmer net, and wall brushattachment.* Includes 110in telescoping aluminium pole for use with 18ft diameter pools and above* Requires an Intex filter pump with a minimum flow rate of 800 gph* Vacuum sucks debris off the pool floor and through the filter* Attaches to the outlet connector in the pool with a 24ft 7in hose* Durable and deep mesh skimmer net


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